Career & Life Coaching 1-2-1 Six Sigma Certifications PMP Certifications Meet Frank Login

Career Coaching Through Certifications 

What is a career coach?

A career coach is a trained professional who provides expert advice, support, and guidance to those who are seeking career success through certifications.

A career coach is an objective observer and listener who can often see situations more clearly than the client. A career coach concentrates on where clients are now and helps them develop goals, plans, and action steps toward some future employment or career goal.

The Power of Mind Maps to Build Your Career Master Plan

Answering 4 Career Questions

Who are you? What do you truly want? Whatā€™s stopping you? And whatā€™s your plan? The ā€˜PQCU Coaching Program gets your story clear and you will learn how to make things happen!

"Frank is well-respected in the Project Management Community. He is one of the top experts in project management and leadership development. He has the dynamic ability to direct individuals and organizations to achieve innovative change. Frank is indeed a trailblazer and knows how to steer businesses toward successful outcomes!"

James E.
Sr. Manager

"The online lectures, being on-demand, were the perfect platform for this type of learning. I wouldn't change the platform. "

Sharon P.
Project Manager

"The simulator was EXTREMELY valuable. There is no way I would have passed the test if I had only run through a few questions here and there. Getting familiar with the types of questions was valuable, but also being able to deal with the length of the test is something that required some time. I found that I would get jumpy after 60 questions or so, so I stuck to a plan to get up and leave the room every 50 questions. The ladies at the testing center were probably annoyed, but it kept me focused. "

David N.
Project Manager

"There are absolutely no words to describe the exhilarating feeling I felt (and still feel) when I saw CONGRATULATIONS appear on my screen at the Prometric Testing Center. This for me was not just a "PMP" journey, but a spiritual journey, and a mountain I knew I had to climb and conquer. After having prayer that morning and following to the "T" all of the directions Frank Payne instructed me to do, I was confident I would be victorious. When the testing administrator ushered me to booth 7, I knew this would be my last time taking what had become a dreaded PMP exam; biblically, the number 7 is the number of completion. I firmly believe that his Masterclass, coaching and no nonsense style was the catalyst for me passing the PMP exam. "

Val L.
Program Manager

"I canā€™t thank you enough for your extensive coaching and your positive vibes throughout the 12-week Master Class. Iā€™ll admit that I came into the class a bit skeptical; with all the modules, practice tests, chapter assignments and requested routines. I initially thought, ā€œI donā€™t have time for all of this. Iā€™ll just read the chapters and be fineā€¦ā€. After two coaching sessions, my attitude was altered by Frankā€™s passion and candor. Then I thought, ā€œOk, Iā€™ll play the game and follow the rulesā€¦ā€. After the first month, I was drinking the yellow & black Kool-Aid. I quickly realized that Frank knows what he is doing, has a proven track record and that there is a definite method to the madness that is the 12-week PMP Master Class. I am thankful and honored to have taken part in the Masterclass. "

Michael K.
Project Manager

"Boom. Passed it. Done. PMP: Check. Thank you, Frankā€”I could not have done it without you. The ladies at the testing center said that the pass rate for the PMP exam is ~30% on the first try, so this feels good! Off to the mall, "

Gloria S.
Project Manager

"Having a coach was Invaluable! I have tried to study for certifications on my own and it resulted in failure and complete waste of time and energy. The Frank as my coach provided a high level of accountability and instant access to provide clarity on the PMP concepts. Having the coach provided that must needed level of confidence! "

Susan P.
Program Manager

"Upon several discussions, Frank challenged me to gain confidence in myself! Even though I am engineer and successful consultant, I stagnated my certification advancement because of secretly questioning my abilities to quickly grasped the concepts. Not only did Frank coach me on having confidence on PMP material, he coached me on having confidence in my abilities, that was the most important BREAKTHROUGH! "

Ebony N.
Project Manager



PMI® professional credentials are widely recognized and accepted by organizations around the world as evidence of a level of knowledge and experience in project management.


The PMP® credential is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. Globally recognized and demanded, the PMP® demonstrates that you have the experience, education and competency to lead and direct projects.


This recognition is seen through increased marketability to employers and higher salary; according to the PMI® Project Management Salary Survey–Seventh Edition, certification positively impacts project manager salaries. Current survey estimates are 15-20% more.


50% Complete

Two Step

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